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Río Taujica, Honduras (click here for the Honduras table of rivers)

river photo

Class: V- ; Flow: 200-600 cfs; Average Gradient: 17 m/km; Portages: perhaps; Length: 9 km; Time: 2 hours

Season: July to January; rafts? no; Highlights: bedrock gorges; Crux move: bedrock gorges

Put-In: Los Encuentros (205 m); Take-Out: road (50 m)

Description: (click here for general notes about my descriptions)

The Río Taujica exhibits some beautiful bedrock gorges on its way from Cerro Azul to the Aguan Valley. Its short length and easy access make it a good introduction to class V creeking. The canyon in the top half is a classic and contains five class IV to V drops (I portaged the first couple). After this canyon, there is a brief respite, and then an encore gorge appears with a class IV entry and exit. When you make it to the river road bridge, only 2 km remain. Here there are also some big drops; except for one, all are quite straightforward.

A full description is in the Mayan Whitewater El Salvador, Honduras, & Nicaragua guidebook.

Descent History: I ran this in November 2005, with 250 cfs at the PI.

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