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Río Xatá, Guatemala (area: Pacific Escuintla; click here for the Guatemala table of rivers)

Class: III+; Ave. Gradient: 5 m/km; Portages: at beginning?; Length: up to 26 km; Time: up to 3.5 hours

Season: June to October; rafts? no; Highlights: pretty creeking; Crux move: first rapid

Water Quality: decent then poor; Water Temperature: medium

PI: CA-2 bridge (300 m); TO: Cañaverales dam (180 m), or Puente San Cristóbal (75 m)

Description: (click here for general notes about my descriptions)

The Río Xatá is another pretty creek typical of the region for the most part. The first section offers some lively III+ rapids through some basaltic canyons. The lower is mostly III- and is unfortunately more polluted than average.

A full description is in the Mayan Whitewater Guatemala guidebook.

Descent History: I got on this in September 2009, with 200 cfs at the PI.

Flow Notes: You need a lot of luck to see a boatable flow on the Río Xatá. The Cenizas gauge can give you a hint to recent rain.

cfs graph

Nearby Tourist Attractions: Sipicate beach and Lake Atitlán

mayanwhitewater.com, the guide to the rivers of Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua © 2008-2024