Class: II; Ave. Gradient: 1.6 m/km; Portages: none; Length: 14+ km; Time: 2 hours
Season: all year; rafts? yes; Highlights: mellow clean run near Palenque; Crux move: avoiding a few logs
Water Quality: good; Water Temperature: medium
PI: Puente San Juan Tulijá (100 m); TO: Puente Tulijá
Description: (click here for general notes about my descriptions)
This easy section of Río Tulijá is located just before the Río Shumuljá joins in and could be a pleasant float for folks learning to kayak who don’t want too much excitement. It is easily done by beginners in normal hardshell kayaks, as well as anybody in IKs or rafts. From the PI bridge at San Juan Tulijá, the river courses around several bends in an area of alternating jungle and cleared agricultural fields. The water is pretty clean (cleaner than Agua Azul) so an afternoon swim during a lunch stop might be in order. There are a few small rapids with some waves that provide a little splash. You should be on the alert for downed trees, which periodically block parts of the river and should be maneuvered around. Otherwise, it is just a fairly peaceful float.
A full description is in the Mayan Whitewater: Chiapas & Belize guidebook.
Descent History: Probably by many folks in the past. Rocky did it January 24, 2012.
Flow Notes: The section can be paddled at any water level any time of the year.
Nearby Tourist Attractions: Palenque Mayan ruins.