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Río Tepemechines, Honduras (click here for the Honduras table of rivers)

river photo

Class: IV; Flow: 100-800 cfs; Average Gradient: 13 m/km; Portages: one class V; Length: 13 km; Time: 3 hours

Season: June to October; rafts? no; Highlights: the pink gorge; Crux move: the pink gorge

Put-In: below road bridge (523 m); Take-Out: Río Salalica confluence (523 m)

Description: (click here for general notes about my descriptions)

The Río Tepemechines (the word is the name of a type of fish) is a tributary of the Río Texiguat. It offers a shorter, creekier run than the Upper Río Texiguat or the option of a longer run--perhaps too long for some--with a shorter shuttle than the Upper Río Texiguat run alone.

A full description is in the Mayan Whitewater El Salvador, Honduras, & Nicaragua guidebook.

Descent History: My only descent was in June 2003.

mayanwhitewater.com, the guide to the rivers of Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua © 2008-2023