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Errata for the El Salvador/Honduras/Nicaragua guidebook:

version 1.0e and newer (late-July 2023):

* no known errata

version 1.0d and older (mid-July 2023):

* Río Nunuapa, El Salvador, is mispelled as Río Cunuapa (page 44).

* Río Jaitique, Honduras: Río Tamalito tributary is mispelled as Río Tamilito (page 142).

* Ríos Upper Guince, Upper Jaitique, & Yucanguare , Honduras: my first descent partner is incorrectly listed as Jorge Salaverri. In fact, it was Emilio Salaverri (pages 138, 142, 146).

version 1.0c and older (early July 2023):

* graph on page 106 is for a different river.


regards, Greg


mayanwhitewater.com, the guide to the rivers of Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua © 2008-2024